How we ended up with 14 hamsters in our house - Hamster Story by Alex Hernly
Author: Alex Hernly Source:
This is the story of how we ended up with 14 hamsters in our house.
In March 2012, my partner and I decided we wanted to have a hamster because we
loved small pets but didn't have any due to college and roommates.
had owned hamsters for pretty much my whole life, but in that moment, I
was hamster-less. We had our own little rental house now with a nice
basement, so we decided to get a
roborovski hamster.
Initially we just
wanted one, but a little bit of research suggested robos are happier in
pairs, so we decided to get two. But once we got to the pet store, the
tank had three siblings, and we didn't want to leave one, so we brought
home all three. Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup.
A couple of months later, in June, I went to our local humane society,
and it just so happened that there were three older hamsters there
looking for homes. One Syrian and two Russian Dwarves. We ended up with
all three -- Pipsqueak, Twinkletoes, and Bisquick -- and one, Twinkletoes
is still with us. (She might be over three years old now).
On September 8, 2012 our little Pipsqueak
passed away in our hands. We
were devastated. We knew she was old, and she had been to the vet 4
times in the short 4 months we had her with various issues, but we still
weren't prepared to lose her.
We felt a Syrian-shaped hole in our
hearts and sought to get one from a nice breeder at a local exotics fair
the next month.
We went and found our next little one, a black syrian
named Zuki, but the table over had the cutest little Russian Dwarves
with speckly dots that they were selling as feeders! So we also "rescued" Speck while there.
Speck came home with us and became Bisquick's cage mate. We moved
Bisquick out of the split aquarium she shared with Twinkletoes and into
an aquarium with Speck. Unfortunately, at that point Twinkletoes's
health seemed to be failing due to a lack of companion, so we went to "rescue" another speckly feeder named Toffee in December. But Toffee
surprised us with being a boy, so Twinkletoes got a neighbor instead of a
roommate. Luckily, Twinkletoes and Toffee both seem happy with that
arrangement, and enjoy licking their dividing wall.

Then in April 2013 a rescue agency near us, the
Exotic Animal Rescue
& Pet Sanctuary (
EARPS) took in many rescues from a pet store that
was closed down. We wanted to help out so we applied to be foster
parents. Four syrian hamsters were placed with us, Baloo, Tabitha, Buzz,
and Kronk. We were classic foster fails though and shortly after making
the rookie mistake of naming them and customizing their cages we
adopted all four.
Tragedy struck again, on May 1, 2013, Bisquick died in my hands from a
combination of age and
illness that despite our best efforts we could
not successfully defeat. Although we were sad to lose Bisquick we did
want to find Speck a friend to live in the other half of a split
aquarium. So we started looking for a hamster we knew Bisquick would
approve of.
We found a hamster in a rescue in my hometown and when we
went back for a visit, we arranged to meet Elvis Parsley a Winter White
with a cleft lip/palate named Elvis for his permanent sneer. We gave him
a forever home and after consulting with an incredibly experienced and
skilled exotic veterinarian we found out it was actually a neurological
problem probably caused by head trauma as a baby.
In late June we found our next hamster. I stopped by the humane society
on the way home from work, and there was a Russian Dwarf
mislabelled as a
Syrian. This little dwarf had shredded ears, cuts on her
face, and was very skinny. I asked about her story and it turns
out she had been found abandoned in an apartment with two dogs, three
other hamsters, and two guinea pigs. Unfortunately only the dogs and our
little hamster survived.

We brought her home,
named her Ruby, and took
her to our local vet. At the vet, she received a thorough examination and
unfortunately we discovered a
tumor on her chest. We scheduled an
appointment with our experienced exotic vet and took her up there
planning to get her surgery if the vet felt it was warranted. Ruby had
surgery and recovered wonderfully. When she came to us she weighed a
mere 37 grams and she currently weighs a healthy 54 grams.
Finally, our friendly local rescue agency asked us to foster a Syrian
with chronic crusty/goopy eye. Of course, we said yes, and named him
Mad-eye Moody. Although his eye condition is chronic so he will require
special care throughout his life he has been placed up for adoption, but
until he finds his forever home he is welcome to stay with us
That's how we ended up with 14 hamsters (6 Syrians, 5 R.Dwarfs, and 3
Robos) in our house, and we just love them all to pieces. It's been a
busy year. (PS - there are also 3 chinchillas, and an injured deer mouse
who will hopefully heal enough to be released soon).