Hopsy Hopsimir Chupitachich: The fastest growing hammy in the world. Hamster Story by Goran
Author: GoranSource: www.hamster-club.com
Hopsy Hopsimir Chupitachich:
The fastest growing hammy in the world.Although the smallest runt, Hopsy outgrew his wheel.
So, clever as he was, he ran on the outer rim, spending many nights in
the depicted position.
Nosy as he was, at one occasion Hopsy managed to escape, and investigate
his father's cage, a bit too closely.
Even though through the bars, Chupitto managed to injure Hopsy's nose
quite badly.
But Hopo didn't mind, held no grudge, forgave and lived happily ever

Ever since their birth, Hopsy and his siblings shared everything
.....thus learning that life provides enough for everyone, as long as we
share...So, even when he hit the jackpot, Hopsy looked around for
someone to share it with.
Hopsy, thank you for making this world a better place, for those
beautiful 2 years and 8-and-a-half months.
You will be missed dearly.
Play in peace, dear friend, until we meet again, beyond the Rainbow
Bridge ....