Guide about Golden Hamsters
Author: Hamster ClubSource:

The country of origin of the Golden Hamsteris Syria.
Golden Hamster falls under the ‘Rodentia’ animal class.
There are approximately 14 hamster species and may live up to 3 years.
An adult Golden Hamster’s weight is 120grm for a female and 108grm for a male.
Their estrus cycle is 4 days but sometimes can also be 5 days.
The Golden Hamster's gestation period is approximately 16 days.
The Golden Hamster's litter size is around 6-8 but there were cases where litter was from 2-12! The hamster babies are born naked, blind and the age of weaning is 21 days.
The hamster's sexual maturity is reached at 6-8 weeks.