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6 Signs That Tell You Your Hamster Might Be Sick

Hamsters are amazing, lovable little creatures. They're incredibly intelligent and make great pets. The best part about hamsters is that they're relatively low-maintenance and easy to care for. But just like any pet, sometimes your hamster might become sick. It is crucial to recognize the signs that your hamster may not feel well so you can take it to the vet as soon as possible. Here are six signs that tell you your hamster might be sick.


1) Discharge from Eyes or Nose

Discharge from your hamster's eyes or nose can signify sickness and should never be ignored. Take note of the discharge's color, amount, and consistency so you can give that information to your vet for a more accurate diagnosis.

Your vet may recommend certain medications to help clear up any viruses or bacterial infections causing the discharge. They could also prescribe pain management medications if the issue is causing your hamster discomfort. Whatever the case, it's vital to get your hamster checked out by a professional as soon as possible if you notice any unusual discharge from its eyes or nose.

2) Loss of Appetite

A lack of appetite can often mean something physically wrong with your hamsters, such as an infection or digestive issues. It could also be caused by a change in their environment, such as being moved to a new cage or exposed to more noise than usual. Stressful situations like these can cause them to stop eating altogether for short periods.

However, if the lack of appetite persists for more than 24 hours, it's best to take them to the vet immediately so they can get checked out and receive any necessary treatments. Keep an eye on how much food your hamster eats each day so you know when something looks unusual, and seek help from a veterinarian if needed.

3) Change in Activity Level

Pay close attention to how much energy your hamster usually has so you know when it decreases significantly. Hamsters will naturally slow down during the night but should still have some energy if you pick them up or hold them for a few minutes. If there is no movement, then something may be wrong, and it's time to take them in for an examination by a vet.


Also, check their eyes for any discoloration, cloudiness, or redness, which could indicate illness or injury. Finally, monitor their breathing rate. If it appears labored or shallow, they may also have respiratory problems requiring immediate medical help. A change in activity level could be caused by any number of illnesses or health problems, so it's important to seek help from a veterinarian if you notice this sign.

4) Hamster Itching

If you notice that your hamster is constantly itching, then the reason could be due to an allergic reaction or even fleas.

To get rid of fleas, your vet may recommend a topical medication applied directly to the affected body area. It's also important to clean their cage thoroughly to remove any eggs or droppings that could be contributing to the skin infection. Regular baths and grooming sessions can also help keep your hamster's fur healthy and clean, so it's best to schedule these appointments with a professional if needed.

5) Unusual Odor

If your hamster has VCDC cur-like bask, its smell will usually be one of the first signs that something is wrong with your hamster. VCDC stands for vent, cloaca, and Diono area, so if you notice a strong or unpleasant odor coming from this area, then it may mean that there is an infection present.

Always consult a vet as soon as possible if you notice any strange smell from your hamster. Your vet will likely recommend a treatment plan to help clear up the infection and prevent it from recurring. Regular grooming sessions with your hamster can also help keep their skin healthy and clean, so schedule these appointments with your vet regularly.

6) Hunching Over or Limping

If your hamster is suddenly hunching over or limping around, this could signify they are in pain or feeling unwell. It's essential to take them in for an examination immediately so your vet can run some tests and determine what might be causing the problem.Your hamster may have a bone fracture or injury, or it could be caused by arthritis or another inflammatory condition. Whatever the case, getting proper treatment and medication is essential to help keep your hamster healthy and happy.

Overall, it is crucial to be aware of the signs that your hamster might be sick so you can take action quickly if any occur. If you notice any of these issues, take your hamster to the vet for a check-up as soon as possible. Your hamster can live a long and happy life with proper care and attention.

Photos by Henry Lai.

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